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What teachers and librarians are saying about the Teaching and Learning Guides

'I loved the Teachers (Naveed) ’ Guide! There was clearly A LOT of work that went into that. I was reading through it and thought that I could easily focus on this book for a whole term, if not longer. The Guide is clearly set out, the sections and links are easy to follow and the sub headings highlight to teachers areas of teaching and learning that they may not have necessarily thought of themselves. I especially loved the Chapter breakdown because it is a practical way of providing the teacher with basic outlines of what can be covered and how to plan the novel out during the term. "Colourful Language" is another good focus, as this book can be used as a writing model to help students improve their word choice in their personal writing. The curriculum links, additional resources, ideas for ICT use and templates are ideal as you have basically provided teachers with everything they need to effectively teach this novel. The guide follows an Inquiry Learning approach allowing students to develop skills for finding out and opportunities for thinking deeply. Those who are unfamiliar with, or apprehensive about ICT, can feel confident because the links are there and teachers can have confidence that they are appropriately suited to the text. There is a wealth of knowledge in the guide suitable for all intended reading ages. The guide allows for those who want to briefly investigate the novel and themes and for those who truly want to delve deeply into the text. The investigations and activities may help readers (and teachers) realise the difference and similarities between themselves and the characters in having wants, needs, hopes and dreams. It will help build awareness, understanding, and hopefully, compassion for others in Naveed's position. '
Shirley Borg, Leading Teacher, Mont Albert Primary School, Victoria